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Nutrition facts label> [Daily: 510mg per tablet] Calorie 3.6kcal, Protein 0.13g, Lipid 0.33g, Carbohydrate 0.03g, Sodium 0.43mg, Vitamin E (d-α-tocopherol) 301.5mg | Ingredients * At hand Please be sure to check the delivered product> Vitamin E-containing vegetable oil, gelatin, glycerin | Allergy items to be labeled * Please be sure to check the product you received> Gelatin | Functional food> Not applicable | Number of days of use (approximate) )> 51-60 days | Type> Grains | Foods for specified health use> Not applicable | Brand> DHC | Product type> Vitamin E | Quantity (per bag)> 60 days | Manufacturer name> DHC | JAN Code> 4511413405055 | Consumption tax rate> 8% reduced tax rate | Item number> 1531635 | Remarks> [Returns] We cannot accept returns due to customer's convenience. If you feel any abnormality in your body, stop drinking. Please check the ingredients and do not eat if you have food allergies. If you are taking medicine, going to the hospital, or pregnant, consult your doctor before taking. Keep out of the reach of children. After opening, close the opening tightly and consume as soon as possible. Balance your diet based on staple foods, main dishes, and side dishes. Nutrition facts label> [Daily: 510 mg per tablet] Calories 3.6 kcal, protein 0.13 g, fat 0.33 g, carbohydrates 0.03 g, sodium 0.43 mg, vitamin E (d-α-tocopherol) 301.5 mg

Ingredients * Please be sure to check the product you received> Vitamin E-containing vegetable oil, gelatin, glycerin

Allergy items to display * Please be sure to check the product you received> Gelatin

Foods with functional claims> Not applicable

Days of use (approximate)> 51-60 days

Type> Grain

Food for specified health use> Not applicable

Brand> DHC (DHC)

Product Type> Vitamin E

Quantity (per bag)> 60 days

Manufacturer name> DHC

JAN code> 4511413405055

Consumption tax rate> 8% reduced tax rate

Item No.> 1531635

Remarks> [Return] We cannot accept returns due to customer's convenience. If you feel any abnormality in your body, stop drinking. Please check the ingredients and do not eat if you have food allergies. If you are taking medicine, going to the hospital, or pregnant, consult your doctor before taking. Keep out of the reach of children. After opening, close the opening tightly and consume as soon as possible. Balance your diet based on staple foods, main dishes, and side dishes.

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"Japan Spread" is an online store that sells Japanese snacks, Japanese healthcare products, and cosmetic products. Japan Spread was established in 2020 in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. Founder Yuya Iida was born in 1988 in Yokohama. Japan Spread meaning is that spreading Japanese products to the world.

Japan Spread

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